I’m doing a free training just for you today sharing exactly how to use AI to create your own digital course logo.
This is part of what I will be teaching in the live event today, but thought I’d give you a little glimpse into the course.
If you’re on the fence about signing up and joining in on this training, I’m going to be showing you my simple strategy for coming up with course names and a logo for every digital course that I create.
I’m a super visual person so as long as long as I can visually see the course that I’m going to be creating, then I get excited about creating it.
So I’m gonna show you my exact formula that has helped me to create over 25 successful and profitable courses.
Want to create live streams like this? Check my favorite (and simple) platform EVER called StreamYard: https://streamyard.com/pal/d/5403779185770496